Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A new Incentive

Although I wanted Tyler to be potty trained about 6 months ago, clearly he was not ready. And it was just making for a very miserable day for both of us. So I decided to put it on hold for awhile. We tried the "How to potty train in 3 days", but I've come to the conclusion that I'm not a very patient person, at least when it comes to potty training. The accidents drive me nuts, so I resolved myself to the fact that he will do it when he is ready. He knows he has to be potty trained before preschool this fall. Over the past month or so he has went to the potty several times, but didn't want to wear underwear, so I didn't fight him on it. Now some might say that I am letting my 3 year old control me...while this is true this is one thing I am willing to let him take control of, because I just can't deal with all the mess and laundry that comes with it. Well one day he woke up and stated that he wanted to wear underwear, and went and put them on himself. He did pretty good, I would remind him every now and again to make sure to go potty, and when he had too many accidents he went back in a diaper. But over the past few days, he has decided to be a BIG BOY. He finally went poop in the toilet...oh my gosh, I never thought I would be so happy in my life. He's very independent and likes to do it himself, most the time he doesn't even tell us, he just goes. So as a reward for this big step, we went and got Buzz Lightyear that he has been wanting since December (after Grandma got him Toy Story for Christmas). I told him he can keep Buzz if he keeps going potty, but if he's not going to be a BIG BOY then Buzz has to stay on the fridge until he decides he's ready. So far he has been able to keep Buzz and he is doing very well. I am so excited for my little man, but it's just one more reminder that he's growing up. And cross your fingers for us that we have made it to the end of the potty training road. I know many of you have children that have already accomplished this, so thanks for bearing with me while I brag about my little guy. And for those of you who haven't...I'm so sorry and I wish you the best of luck. I really hate potty training.


Kira said...

Keaton STILL has accidents six months later. BOYS! I heard though that the best thing to do is not push it too much. You are a good Mom. He will be fine. I really liked that you started with the reward so he could taste the joy and then REMOVED it if he didn't keep it up. Good job!

The Viehweg's said...

Yay Tyler!!! I am so happy for you! Good Job!!

Lindsay said...

YEAH Tyler! Yea for all of you! I'm so excited about the poo-poo too! I know you've been waiting for that (Am I weird that I'm saying this?)Anyway, I'm excited & wanted to remind you that if there's a slip-up don't worry. They all do it. Gosh what a good day!!

Anonymous said...

I hate potty training too! Really, it's my biggest flaw as a mom! That I'm willing to admit. However, Jax is doing okay. for today.