I love the fall it is my favorite time of year and I absolutely hate how short it is! I love the leaves and the colors and just being outside in the crisp cool breeze. So we decided that we would make it a tradition to take famiy pictures on Conference weekend outside with the beautiful scenery and use them for our Christmas cards. Well this year it wasn't that nice outside that weekend so we decided to wait, and every weekend since then hasn't been that great either. So last Sunday when we got up and the sun was shinning, I said we have to do it today! Of course Kevin wasn't all that thrilled about the idea but he went along with it anyway. We met one of my good friends at Liberty park after church and got some really fun pictures. It was so beautiful outside I couldn't resist taking a few shots of the trees. And Tyler and daddy ahd a blst playing in the leaves. I love these moments.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
The Ward Carnival
So for those of you that don't know Kevin and I are Activities Committee chairman for our ward, so we get to plan all the parties. Sounds fun right? Oh boy... it is a big job and a little over whelming. But we made it through!

We started off with a trunk or treat in the church parking lot, along with 2 other wards there at the same time. Then we went into the cultural hall where we had half the gym set up with tables, for our Chili cook off and yummy desserts. The other half was set up carnival style with different "booths" (i.e. face painting, fishing, throwing darts, etc.) and in the primary room we had a spook alley that was very well done by the EQ. They were supposed to have 2 one for the younger kids, and one for the older but they ran out of time. So you just ahd to tell them if you had a little one, I did take Tyler through and I think he would've been fine except that right when you walked in there was a huge spider. And if you don't know, Tyler is terrified of spiders (even fake ones), so he didn't like it much, but it was a pretty cool spook alley.

It turned out to be a lot of fun from what I hear anyway. But when your in charge it's nothing but chaos. And poor little Ty didn't get to have much fun because we were running around all night, so he didn't get to play the games.
So needless to say I didn't get as many pics as I wanted but here are a few.
Thanks goodness for our good friends the Catenzaro's for letting Ty take a nap at their house while we set up and putting him to bed while we took down. Thanks a bunch Gina.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Jayme's Halloween Party!
We have so many wonderful friends in our neighborhood, I love it! One of our friends had a Halloween party this past Saturday. It was so much fun! Even Kev had fun, even though I made him dress up, but once we got there he was over it. Tyler had a blast running around, and he even tried bobbing for apples, well he actually just grabbed and apple and then stepped in the water, but what's the difference right! It was a blast, and hopefully the ward carnival that we are planning for this weekend will turn out just as fun. Thanks Jayme!

Tyler and Belle were very fascinated by the dancing skeleton, we might have to invest in one of those.
Here is Tyler the Jungle boy and Aria the Witch, Best buds forever!
The Costumes

The Butlers were Pirates

And of course the Echols are Incredible!

The cute Christensen's are Under the Sea with their boys!
The Packers, and cute Tiff ready for Baby Jane to come out.
The wizard of Oz, and Tigger too, meet the Shepherds.
I didn't get pictures of everyone's families, you can blame that on my annoying camera that takes too long to take pictures.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Monkey-in' Around
So this year for Halloween Tyler is going to be a monkey, which fits him just perfectly. He is such a busy little boy and always running and jumping around, and he loves to make monkey sounds. Ever since we got his costume he has been wearing it around the house. He brings it to me and says "on". He will play in it for hours and be enteratined, so of course I let him, if you notice he also put my shoes on this time.
So we had a little photo shoot the other day (because lets face it, I'm too cheap to take him in and get his pictures done, because you know I'll end up buying them). It's not much but hears what I got of my little monkey..jpg)


Monday, October 8, 2007
In our neighborhood we have a lot of little kids and they are mostly around the same age. So we decided to start a playgroup at the park. We have only been going for about a month now, but it has been so wonderful, for me and Tyler. He loves to be outside and it's so much more fun with other kids, and I love to socialize. We are hoping the weather will stay good for little while longer, but if not hopefully we can still get together inside somewhere. .jpg)


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