Day4: Cayman Islands (Tuesday)
I can't believe how fast time was going, but we were having a blast. By this point we were really starting to miss Tyler, but on the other hand I'm so glad we didn't bring him. We called home when we were in port, and he didn't even want to talk to us, I guess he was having way too much fun at Grandma's.
We signed up to go snorkeling with the sting rays, but the weather wasn't great so they said it was to dangerous, so instead we went to a coral reef and to an abandoned ship wreck. It was really weird at first and I had a hard time not breathing through my nose, and I didn't have my goggles on tight enough so I kept getting water in my nose. And that was really disgusting salt water, it almost made me throw up when I got a taste. The coral was really pretty and their were tons of fish swimming around. When we got to the second stop the ship wreck, I tightened my goggles and had the hang of it a little more, so it was a lot more fun. It wasn't as pretty as the coral but it was cool to see.

When we got back we didn't have much time so we just walked around a little and did some more shopping. We wanted to go to seven mile beach, but it just didn't happen. It was such a beautiful place, we all wish we
could've spent more time there. We didn't really get to see much because the snorkeling took up most of the time. But we did find some sea shells, and we watched some guys cut up fish right on the shore. They let us come up and help.

We would get back so late from the ports that we would barely eat lunch and go get cleaned up and it would almost be time for dinner. So we tried to not fill up so much so we could enjoy the good dinner food. We had a really fun group at our table, 2 older couples and then the 4 of us. They were a lot of fun to get to know. Ones of the guys tried to get the guys to come to the gym with him every morning, they finally made it the last day. Our waiter was very cool his name is
Vipin, he was very good to us. All the waiters marched around the dinning room and sang to us one night it was cute. They had over 1250 employees on that ship, amazing. Our tables being the odd balls, every night they had these elaborate desserts, and 8/10 times we all ordered ice cream. I'm sure
Vipin thought we were weird.


After dinner and the show we would usually have some time to kill before the partying started. So we found this lounge on the 15 floor of the boat that over looked the pool area, it was fun to people watch. We also played ultimate scrabble, almost every night. We went to a game called The
Quest, it was very hilarious and a little reveling. I think almost every person playing had to be wasted. It was a contest and you were teamed as couples, the first one to complete the task wins. Example bring me a woman's bra. Interesting huh! This was the only night they had a midnight buffet, which I was disappointed because I was looking forward to them. They had really good fruit, fresh pineapple, strawberries, etc. they had a lot of other food to but we only wanted fruit.
It's almost over...if any of you have even read this far I'm impressed!
Day 5: At Sea (Wednesday)
We finally made it to the gym, then Gina and I went and laid out while the guys played ball. Then they had a dodge ball tournament, it was the highlight of the trip for Kev. They signed up under the team name; stripling warriors. A couple from Utah signed up with them because of the name. So they won 4/4 games and took first place, they got medals and t-shirts, and they were on cloud nine. We tried to watch the sunset before dinner but it was but it was behind a cloud so we didn't get the full effect. Later that night was the farewell show, and then another night of karaoke. We didn't want it to end, but as all good things do, it was over. We had to be up early the next morning and out of our rooms at 8am. Then we spent a long fun filled day at the airport waiting for our flights. We arrived home late Thursday night to a whopping 23 degrees!
It was a blast, thanks Antz and Gina we should definitely do it again.
