Some of you may remember a few months back when I posted about naps? Well Tyler has officially gave them up. Not from my lack of trying I still put him down and he just sits in there and calls out every 10min can I come out yet? So needless to say I gave up and we are going on 2 weeks with no naps. We are still in the transition phase and by 6pm I think we are both having melt downs, but hopefully he will get past it. My biggest concern is that he gets so bored throughout the day and now with no naps to break it up, the days seem especially long! We still are trying to have quiet time which usually consists of watching a disney movie, but hey you've got to do what you've got to do right?
I have come up with a plan that will hopefully get us through this summer and keep me from pulling my hair out. The only problem is it will be more time consuming for me, but that's why I'm a mom right. And I've come to the realization that some days I just need to play with him and have fun, rather than worry about housework and such. So sorry honey if the house is a mess today we decided to play instead.
On a side note we have already busted out the popsicles and water balloons which are my favorite part of summer. And we start swim lessons next week, and Tyler can't wait. And with all the rain lately Tyler has had fun digging for worms. Here is one of his prized possessions. Why are boys so dirty? It's going to be a long fun filled summer and hopefully one we will both remember for a long time. After all it is my last summer with just him, I better make it count.