Kev had Presidents day off work, which was so great because he hasn't had a day off in a long time between school and work. So we decided to take Tyler sledding. He absolutley loved it! We had to get an inner tube, because believe it or not none of the stores had sleds left. So when we got there I had Kev go down the hill first to see how slippery it was...Tyler immediatley started laughing and squeling. He then started running down the hill after daddy, he was going so fast that he ended up falling and rolling a few times, but then he got up and started running again...this time he cried when he fell because he got scared. It was way too funny. We all decided to go down together, but we got going so fast that we all flew off and rolled around..after that we started only going half way up the hill, so that it was safer for Tyler. But he was having the time of his life, Kev and I were tired way before he was. As soon as we would get to the bottom of the hill, he would junp off and start running back up. The only bad thing was I could not find snowboots to fit his tiny feet, so we borrowed some from my Aunt, but they were 2 sizes to big, and kept falling off his feet. So towards the end his pour little feet were so cold that he just kept crying, because he didn't know how to tell us. So we had the make him go home, he wasn't to happy about that. All in all it was a fun filled day with our little family. Oh the last pic was Tyler trying to make snow angels, but the snow was more like ice so it didn't work to well.